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National Average Rent Surges to Record High

After a brief slowdown in the growth of rental prices, they were back on the rise last month, with the national average rent soaring to an all-time high, RentCafé reports. In June, actual rents in the 250 largest U.S. cities rose 2.9 percent and reached an all-time high of $1,405. Renters, on average, are paying $40 more per month than they did a year ago. Renters in Orlando, Fla., saw one of the largest year-over-year increases, at 8.4 percent.

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Lake Towns With Best Bargains on Homes

Waterfront property is a hot commodity, but finding an affordable place with a view can prove challenging. “If you want to be on a larger body of water, you’re typically going to pay more. ... You’ll have more fishing opportunities, boating opportunities, and recreational [and dining] opportunities,” Jim Billig, president of Sportman’s Connection, told®. “The smaller lakes ... are going to be more affordable."

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Family Becomes First Occupants in 3D-Printed Home

A family in France will soon be the first in the world to move into a house completely printed and constructed from a 3D printer. The four-bedroom home in Nantes, France, sits at 1,022 square feet, and is a collaboration between the city council, a housing association, and the University of Nantes. Francky Trichet, the council lead on technology and innovation, says he believes the 3D-printed home process will disrupt the construction industry an

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Court Temporarily Halts Hurricane Maria Evictions

A judge granted a temporary extension to prevent the evictions of Puerto Ricans who fled to the mainland following Hurricane Maria. About 1,700 Puerto Ricans evacuees were granted a 20-day extension, a federal judge ruled this week. Originally, the families were set to be evicted June 30, before U.S. District Judge Timothy Hillman of Massachusetts extended FEMA’s Temporary Shelter Assistance to last until July 23.However, the 20-day extension i

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‘Bump Clauses’ Are Giving Sellers a Safety Net

More real estate transactions are reportedly tying in a “bump clause” to give sellers some assurance that they are receiving the best offer. A bump clause allows sellers to enter into a contract with a buyer but continue to market the property. If the seller then receives a better offer, they can bump the original buyer to get them to waive their contingency or offer more.The bump clauses are usually used when a contingency is involved in the

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Homeowners Fight Flight Paths Over Neighborhoods

Homeowners in some affluent neighborhoods across the country are lobbying city and state representatives to fight against noise from overhead planes that fly over their communities since new flight routes were recently implemented. Owners are posting signs in their yards and have even developed technology to make filing complaints as easy as the press of a button.In 2013, the Federal Aviation Administration’s Next Generation Air Transportation

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New Concrete Lets Walls React to Touch

An invention by a 3D printing company may raise the ante for how smart a building can be.NOWlab, a branch of the 3D printing company BigRep, has developed concrete walls that respond to touch. In its model, a slab of 3D-printed concrete with a honeycomb design, three LED lights embedded in the hexagonal holes light up when skin touches the concrete.The design uses capacitive sensors in the concrete to turn the entire wall into a light switch; the

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Toys ‘R’ Us Closures Prompt Spike in Retail Vacancies

Vacancies are growing in the retail sector after the closings across the country of former toy giant, Toys ‘R’ Us. The retail sector saw its largest quarterly declines since 2009, according to a newly released report by Reis Inc.The amount of occupied retail real estate in 77 major metro areas fell by 3.8 million square feet in the second quarter, Reis reported. Toys ‘R’ Us closures were mostly blamed for driving the national retail vacan

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Young Adults Don’t Like to Live Alone

Having a roommate is a growing trend among young adults, according to new research from the National Association of Home Builders. About 7.5 percent of young adults aged 25 to 34 years old shared a house with roommates, housemates, or other nonrelatives in 2016—up from only 4 percent in 1990. In addition, more young adults nowadays are living with their relatives (other than parents)—3 percent in 1990 compared to 5 percent in 2016. More are l

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June’s Hottest Housing Markets Offer Some Surprises

Californian cities no longer dominate®’s top-performing housing markets list as they have for the past six years. Instead, higher home prices may be prompting more home buyers to look elsewhere.Overall, home prices nationwide continued to escalate in June, with the median listing price nationwide at $299,000, a 9 percent year-over-year increase, according to®. The higher home prices are prompting more buyers to face af

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